Feb 022011

People call me every day from all over the world asking what they need to do to win. Most just want me to pray for them and wave a magic wand for their problems to be over. I remember when I was at the same place. I would run from conference to conference. Call pastors; go to my daddy in the Lord, Dr Olukoya – just knowing that if he prayed for me all will be well.
I remember one night after I had cried myself to exhaustion. I was on the floor in the room balled up and rocking back and forth. Lord why do I have to fight so hard, why are my chains not breaking I wailed. I have been your daughter for 5 years. I have changed my life why, why I cried. I have been praying and fasting for years, Lord why. I don‘t want to fight no more I cried. Tears and snort flowing at will.
I was anointed pretty early in my walk with God. When I got saved I pretty much started warfare prayers for months. Fasting and praying. I went to work and prayed. That was all I did. I wanted something from God. I was saved now and wanted my inheritance. I wanted my life whole. I was not trying to be a preacher, God kept showing me the bondage in my life and I fought like crazy to break them. One of my sisters in the Lord still laughs today because I almost chopped her head off when she said she saw me as a preacher, a mighty one. It was 5 years and I was still on the floor with issues.
That night the Holy Spirit spoke to me. Warrior princess, get up and fight. At that moment a jolt of energy hit me. I jumped up I felt a rage swell up in me against the devil. I felt like I could snap any demons head off.
I reared up like an angry bear. I said I come right now from my throne in heavenly places, above principalities and power and might and dominion. I attack from my place besides Jesus. I started fighting. I release fire, brimstone, axe, locust, liquid sulfur, Holy Ghost hand grenades. I was fighting and screaming and kicking. Exhausted I fell on my bed and slept of with all the sweat.
That night the Lord showed me the battle. I was in heavenly places, standing on a bright throne with
fire, clouds and angels flying all around. As I said thunder I saw thunder rolling at my command to do what I asked it to do. I said fire and I saw a big ball of fire rolling off towards the mountains. I said angels and I saw them fly away like fighter jets at my command. Down below, I could see mountains being blown up, demons scattering. It was amazing.
I woke up that morning realizing the damage our prayers can do to the kingdom of darkness. Cool I chuckled.
I realized that I was a warrior and my life will be better if I surrendered to the call. There was no use running anymore. I was called to be a trench fighter, a warrior in the kingdom of God. I was God‘s warrior princess. I have stayed on sustained fire ever since.

Excerpts from my book Sustained Fire.