Apr 172010



Texts:             Psalm 144:7-8, 11-15

Confession:    Psalm 18:44-45

Prayer Points

1.       I challenge the foundation of this house with the fire of Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

2.       I challenge every citadel of witchcraft in this house with fire of Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

3.       I challenge charms and fetish in this house with the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

4.       I challenge any occupant of this house using strange power against my destiny in the name of Jesus.

5.       I put to shame every accusing finger pointed at me in this house in the name of Jesus.

6.       Let every pattern of poverty in this house be render useless in the name of Jesus.

7.       Every power swallowing my prosperity in this house receive the axe of fire in the name of Jesus. Continue reading »

Apr 172010



Co1.2:14-15; 13-14; 2 Tim.1:18; Isa 53:3-5; 54:17; Rev 12:11


1.    This session is titled: Deliverance From Placenta Bondage

1.    Every placenta witchcraft targeted against my destiny, what are you waiting for, die, in Jesus name.

2.    Every caldron of darkness that is harassing my destiny, break, in the name of Jesus.

3.    Every chain of darkness around my waist, break, in the name of Jesus.

4.    (Lay your hand on your belly-button)

Placenta witchcraft manipulating my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.

5.    Thou bank of satan, release my placenta, in the name of Jesus.

6.    Every satanic transfer into my destiny through the placenta, I cut you off, in the name of Jesus.

7.    Blood of Jesus, recover my placenta from the earth, in the name of Jesus. Continue reading »

Apr 162010

Genesis 2:18 says, “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”

Genesis 2:21-25 says, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” Continue reading »

Apr 162010

Spiritual Warfare: Do I Have To Fight?

Do I have to fight?

Spiritual warfare is a term that will get you thrown out of some counterfeit Pentecostal churches. Nevertheless, spiritual warfare is not going away.

We were just getting ready to film one of the Apostolic Moments television programs. I asked the Apostolic Equipping Institute (AEI) Bible school students to write down some of their questions for my guest. On a small green sheet of folded paper was written these words, “Is there any way to come into the apostolic without fighting?” I thought that was a great question and many have asked it or at least pondered it at sometime. The short answer to the question is, “No.” I wish I didn’t have to be the bearer of such news, but, one must. The good news is, however, that when you enter the apostolic fight you always win and when you win you get the spoils. I am sure you feel a little bit better now. After all we just don’t want to enter the fighting apostolic dimension just because we don’t have any thing else to do, but I am getting a bit ahead of myself. Continue reading »

Apr 142010

Co1.2:14-15; 13-14; 2; Isa 49:24-26; Tim.1:18; Isa 53:3-5; 54:17; Rev 12:11; Isa 8:9,10 

 This session is titled: The Council Of Wickedness Must Bow:

1. Evil agent, carry your message to your sender and release the arrows you brought to me against him.

2. I curse the curses sent against me and return them to their senders, in the name of Jesus.

3. Let the heavens send judgment against every strange covenant of darkness, in the name of Jesus.

4. O Lord, make me an instrument of spiritual violence.

5. I break every evil authority, in the name of Jesus.

6. I break every dark resistance, in the name of Jesus.

7. Holy fire, break the backbones and destroy the roots of every evil spirit that is speaking against me, in the name of Jesus. Continue reading »

Mar 282010

“When your levee breaks –  How to pump the Junk out of your life”  is a training manual by itself.

I wrote this book out of my own journey with God, from getting saved to living a life of victory. When I initially confessed Christ, it was because I was going through a hard time. I did not come to God in repentance, so I continued to live in sin. It was like no one cared whether I was saved or not. There are many believers that are living in iniquity—they have never really come to the Cross where their sins get washed away. Like me at that time, they are church-going heathens or unsaved Christians. They are going through hell and no one cares for their souls. Like David said, their spirits are overwhelmed and they don’t know why things are not working. The devil has laid a snare for them, but they don’t know how to fight back and be victorious. Continue reading »

Mar 252010

ThiefI remember the day I first met the Thief, I can’t recall his name, it seem to change with each story he told me. There was nothing special about that day, I was just sitting around with nothing much going on, I felt hungry, so I went out for a bite to eat, when he appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

I don’t normally hold long conversations with strangers, but there was something intriguing about this character. He was dress to impress as they use to say back in the day, I couldn’t identify a flaw on him, from the slanted hat he don on his head, his dark shades, white silk suit, and snake skin boots. As he began to talk, his words was timely, he seem to know exactly how I was feeling at that moment, it had the taste of lemon and honey in the early morning hours. He was careful not to dwell on the topics that he somehow knew would cause me to become upset and end our conversation. I was taken by surprise by his in your face honest approach. He told me up front he was a thief, my first thoughts were “really!!”, he chucked, among many other things, he continued, as if he knew what my thoughts were.
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